Time ago I was invited by the professors with whom I worked for my final project at Camerino University (where I studied) to have a talk at the Career Day, which opens the academic year.
So the 26th I was glad to be there.
I had the talk in the "Palazzo Ducale", in a room called "sala Muta" (Mute room), which I have to admit is not the most sensible name I've heard for a room used for giving lectures.
Whatever the name, the room was plenty of people, the majority of which were students.
I had a talk about my working experience at Nokia first, at NemeriX later with mention of how the University Experience is supposed to help for such a kind of Career.
It looked like my speech was appreciated and I was glad to be back there, and to have the chance of giving back something to an institution (The University of Camerino), which gave me a lot.
Ringrazia a dovere chi ti ha procurato l'aggancio! Cazzo!
Hai ragione Diego!
Grazie per aver dato il mio indirizzo email al prof., e a chissa' quanti altri spammers! ;-)
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