Tuesday, September 22, 2009

7/9: Rachele goes to school!

The 7th of September Rachele finally starts to go to school.
I say 'finally' because she was really looking forward to it: now she joined the school of the grown up children :-)

Agnese was very excited as well and she went to the head teacher asking to be the buddy for Rachele.
Obviously that is a task for year 6 pupils and she is only in year 2 now.
But she got the permission to go and help on Rachele's class occasionally.

I still wonder why that doesn't happen at home...

1 comment:

BarbaraR said...

Ciao ragazzi !
ogni tanto vi leggo e vedo che state bene. Vedo che i bambini crescono e che sono bellissimi. Anche le mie crescono....e questo vuol dolo dire che il tempo vola! Speriamo che una volta ci si riesca davvero ad incontrare. Baci a tutti voi, Barbara (ex fin, ora be) !!