Wednesday, July 29, 2009

11/07: Histon fun run

The 11th of July I toke part to the 'Histon Fun Run', 6 miles long.
The event it is organized in the context of Histon Feast.

Last year I saw people running at this fun run and I remember I was thinking: "it is 10 km, why do people do this?".
This year I joined them.... but the question remains unanswered.

The only thing worth of a note is that I was assigned the number 118.
Now I had no clue what that was, but everyone - really almost everyone - was smiling or laughing or making jokes...
A woman said: "we will call you!".

That was time for explanations, that you can find in this video.

1 comment:

Donato Vimini said...

Ciao Michele, ho letto quasi tutti i tuoi post e devo dire formidabile... ti invidio molto e sono anche molto contento per la tua famiglia... vi continuerò a seguire di tanto in tanto !! E se capita famoce na birra !