Saturday, February 27, 2010

24/2: The Pizza lesson

Agnese and her class went today for a special lesson:
the Pizza making lesson!
It was on a restaurant and kids were all excited about this, including Agnese obviously.

Only one snag: the restaurant was Pizza Hat!
Is this moral for an italian? ;-)

20/2: Festa di Carnevale

The italian children group "Girotondo" from Cambridge, organised - as happened for several years now - the 'Festa di Carnevale', which is typical in Italy for this time of the year.
Children get dressed with some character clothes (typically princesses in my house) and they have a party like that.
They dress what they fancy to be or become....
(Thinking about that, I never dressed as a computer programmer when I was a child!).

Monday, February 01, 2010

30/1: Agnese and Rachele first dance performance

Saturday 30th of January Agnese and Rachele had the first performance at Mumford Theatre, in Cambridge.
The dancing show was Pinocchio and they were both performing a role of a sea perl.
I could see only the general rehearsal, but it was a nice and well prepared show and - obviously - they were super happy.