Saturday, January 17, 2009

1/1/2009: Happy Half Year!

1/1/2009: Happy New Year everyone,
but today is also Paolo's first Half Year!

He is about 8.5 kg, he sits and smiles a lot.
He likes to play with the sisters (whatever 'play' could mean for him) and he loves to jump in his baby bouncer.
He just started eating solid food (which also means solid 'output') and he has two teeth.

The footh in the picture is his own.

December 2008: Italy

We spent Christmas time in Italy - as we do every year - from 17th to 31st of December.
As every year this is the occasion to see many relatives and lots of friends.
As every year we spend part of the vacation at home because someone of the children is seek (this year was Rachele - who left UK with fever, then Paolo, then Rachele again).
As every year we eat a lot of italian Christmas typical delicious food... and I fly back fatter!

In the picture we were at the Eremo dei Frati Bianchi, that Agnese and Rachele describe as a fairyland.